Hangin with Hippie – Lies, Lies, and Damn Lies
Conservative Hippie Podcast
Hangin with Hippie - Lies, Lies, and Damn Lies

EP-005 Hangin with Hippie LIVE on Wednesday nights at 7:17pm PST on Indecent_Disclqsure on Telegram.

The discussion started tonight with examples of clear lies and obfuscation of investigation perpetrated by our government. I’m 48, and all my life there was been examples of back dealing corruption and outright treason that goes into the well of history due to cover-up and fraudulent investigations.

After the Trump Presidency it seems that more people are waking up to the fact that the responsibility falls with us, the American people. If we wish to stop the atrocities in our name, we have to take our voice and power back from the corrupted system.

Tune in, joining me on the broadcast were members of the ToreSays Illinois group who are putting their strong foot forward to end corruption in their state. On the broadcast we had citizens running for Secretary of State, Governor, and Comptroller for the state of Illinois.

JFK Assasination:  One shooter?  Conspiracy?

USS Liberty Attack:  34 killed.  173 wounded. 6 Day war between Israel and several Arab States.

Operation Mockingbird:  CIA controlled media messaging.  Came from Church Committee investigation.

Iraq War:  Iraqi soldiers were taking babies out of incubators. They sent a 16 year old girl to DC: Nayirah Congressional Testimony — who was actually the daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S

911:  Two planes, three towers.  Impossible Pentagon flight path.  

Iraq WMD – They cooked up the evidence they wanted, and our three letter officials were there to stamp it approved.

DNC Hack – You are told it was a hack, but scientific evidence says otherwise.

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